Essential Fats – Do you Need an Oil Change

                                                          EFA: Essential Fatty Acids


        What’s in this article:


Facts on Fats:   A Traditional perspective


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Healthy Fats and what they provide:




How have fats and oils changed from traditional use?


Let’s look closely    magnifying glass 2

Traditional societies, before the early 1900’s, enjoyed a variety of natural fats and they equally enjoyed health, vibrance and low incidence of cardiovascular disease and other degenerative diseases, including dental caries.  Butter, lard, creams, full fat non-homogenized dairy, poultry and beef fats and tallow, cold pressed olive oil, marine and fish oils, coconut oil, cold pressed, sesame, palm and flax oils are all excellent sources of healthy fats.


ALTERED FATS AND OILS, pretty much the whole menu of human made fats and oils – AVOID


NATURAL FATS AND OILS, pretty much the bounty of Nature – CONSUME WITH CONFIDENCE


Healthy Fats and What they Provide:




Butter is largely composed of short chain fatty acids, with some medium chain fatty acids. These types of fatty acids are, in part, used for energy for your internal organs, including your intestinal tract. They tend not to be stored by fat cells or adipose cells, as they are called, unless you are consuming in excess.  Butter also contains anti-microbial properties, so it has fungus-inhibiting effects.

Because of its short chain fatty acids, butter is very stable for stir-fry’s and baking.  Avoid butter that has browned or smoked, because burning or browning destroys the health enhancing components, causing the fatty acids to interfere with, rather than enhance cellular use.  Good Butter is health enhancing.  Grass fed Cows produce amazing milk and nutritious butter.

Here in Canada, we don’t see a lot of organic or grass fed butter.  Organic butter is generally way out of reach for most people’s price range.  Use butter!


Please check out one of the leading Experts on Fats and Oils at:


A very special type of butter exists that has been studied since the 1930’s by the renowned dentist, Dr. Weston A Price – . Dr. Price observed Societies that consumed this particular butter and also noticed a decrease in the incidence of cardiovascular disease.  Spring and Fall months, the Cows seemed to produce a particularly rich milk and butter.  Noticing a drop in cardiovascular incidents, Dr. Price considered several extraneous factors but none resulted in anything conclusive.  It was further observed the butter in the Spring and Fall was a particularly brilliant yellow. After testing more closely, it was found the Vitamin A and D contents were particularly high and more easily absorbed. This was especially true when this butter and cod liver oil were consumed together. Go to and click on the link to Activator X or go to the search link and type in Activator X.  The research and applications will fascinate and engage you. I supplement my family with these two marvels of nature. Anyone interested and by all means you should be, in obtaining this gorgeous butter can do so by calling 1-402-338- 5551 or email them –


Recommended amounts: 1-2 tablespoons of butter on bread or steamed vegetables. Do not heat. Don’t forget your cod liver oil daily as well. Did you also know that the absorption of vital minerals from our diet is dependent upon adequate amounts of Vitamins A and D in our diet? Add butter particularly with the X factor to your vegetables.




Lard is a natural fat, a rendered fat, mostly from beef tallow.  Lard is a very stable fat, excellent for baking and cooking. In traditional societies lard or tallow was the fat of choice. It has anti-microbial properties. It provides excellent flavor. Smaller amounts can be used as opposed to liquid vegetable oils. Vegetable oils tend to be very unstable under heat and tend to denature, meaning they degrade.  Vegetable oils under heat also tend to cause inflammatory reactions in the body, not so good.  Lard is better than vegetable oils that really were never designed to be used for frying or heat applied.




Olive Oils are amazing and so healthy.  It is a very stable oil designed to be used in its natural form and easily denatured by over heating.  There are two types:

Extra Virgin is the first press oil which gives it a natural green hue. Extra Virgin Olive Oil will naturally have higher nutritional values.

Virgin Olive oil which is less expensive


Olive Oil has many protective antioxidant properties, especially to the cardiovascular system. Virgin Olive Oil has shown to decrease the ‘bad’ LDL cholesterol and increase the ‘good’ HDL cholesterol. It also improves the integrity of cell membranes. It also has a positive effect on the digestive system by improving fat absorption and secretion of pancreatic enzymes. Look for virgin or extra virgin in an opaque container. This protects the fatty acid from exposure to harsh Fluorescent lighting. Store on the fridge door and run under warm water before using. A combination of butter and olive oil is excellent for stir-fries.



Marine and Fish Oils

Cod liver oil is an example of Marine fish oil and we are all too well acquainted with this oil.  It has to be fresh.  I’ll say more about how to purchase Oil capsules or bottles later.  Marine Oils are an excellent source of Vitamin A and D.  They also contains high levels of Omega 3 fatty acids; DHA and EPA.  They have anti-inflammatory properties. 1 tsp of cod liver oil is good medicine daily.

Other fish oils include salmon which is high in Omega 3 fatty acids. This family of fatty acids helps prevent blood clotting by decreasing platelet stickiness.


Fish oils also lower harmful fibrinogen levels and apo (a) proteins. Both of these proteins are implicated in arteriosclerosis. It has a positive impact on triglycerides, blood pressure and edema.

It also plays a critical role in hormone regulation. Omega 3 fatty acids are precursors to hormone like substances called eicosanoids which are responsible for such critical tasks such as regulating

the flow of substances in and out of cells through various channels. The control of edema or water retention and inflammatory response is also affected by these important hormone regulators.


Tuna, albacore, also supplies valuable oils that are health enhancing. As well, tuna is a good source of the protective mineral selenium. Haddock, grouper, sardines are all excellent sources of marine oils.




Flax Seed Oil contains both Omega 6 and 3 Fatty Acids at approximately a 50 – 50 split.  Flax seed is a fair source of omega 3 fatty acids.  Both Hemp Hearts and Chia Seeds are a far superior source of omega 3 fatty acids.


Generally 3 tbsp. of crushed flax seed a day is a healthy supplement. Flax Seed oil improves immune function, helps balance blood sugar, reduces allergies, improves cardiovascular function, defends against bacteria and viruses, promotes vascular integrity, and supports brain function and neurotransmitters. Essential fats improve overall appearance of skin textures and specifically eczema and dry, cracked skin. Flax seed oil increases basic metabolic rate and in effect supports weight loss. It improves water retention thereby has a positive effect on blood pressure.

Do not cook with or heat flax oil. This causes it to go rancid and turn to linseed oil. “Women with high levels of Omega 3 or alpha – linolenic acid in their breast tissue had a 60% lower risk for breast cancer than women with low levels of the acid”. European Journal of Cancer, 2000


Hemp Hearts    Image result for picture of hemp hearts

Are an excellent source of Omega 3 Fatty Acids.  They are the seed of the hemp plant. They are sweet, tender and have a kind of nutty flavour . They contain much higher levels of Omega 3 fatty acids compared to Flax Seed.


Hemp Hearts have a number of advantages over Flax seed:

  •    Hemp hearts has much higher levels of DHA/EPA than flax seed
    • Hemp hearts are a good source of protein
    • Hemp hearts have good levels of B vitamins, with the exception of Vitamin B12.
    • Hemp hearts is an excellent source of antioxidants
    • Best of all, they are so easy to take. 3 tablespoons per day is ample



Chia Seeds    Image result for picture of chia seeds

Are another excellent source of Omega 3 Fatty Acids. Again 3 – 4 heaping tablespoons daily. They can be added to cereals or just take as in one tablespoon at a time – chew chew chew – little water and swallow. When purchasing, purchase the whole seed, not the ground seed. Ground Chia Seeds will NOT be as fresh or as nutritionally vibrant as the whole seed. Grind them when you get home or better yet, use them whole.


Chia Seeds, like Hemp Hearts need to be either refrigerated or stored in the freezer. I use the freezer.



Coconut Oil    Image result for picture of coconut oil  

is a very special Fat/Oil and a very stable fat and offers a plethora of health benefits Coconut Oil has anti-fungal, anti-microbial properties. Over half of its fatty acid composition are anti-microbial lauric and caprylic acid.

  • Coconut is an excellent source of medium chain fatty acids. Medium chain fatty acids are used in the energy cycle and by the intestinal tract for energy. Medium chain fatty acids tend not to be stored in adipose or fat cells
  • Coconut oil is excellent for individuals who do not digest fats well.
  • Because of the medium chain fatty acids, Coconut oil/butter has the potential to increase the basal metabolic rate and promote weight loss. It is suggested that either 3 – 4 tablespoons of coconut oil

If you are using Coconut milk, check the ingredients.  Look for pure coconut milk.

6 oz Coconut milk + 6oz. full fat plain yogurt and 1-2 pieces of fresh fruit makes a very nourishing breakfast. for Canadian online purchases of Coconut oil and products



  • Margarine of any description
  • Hydrogenated vegetable oil
  • Deep fried fats, with the exception of Organic coconut oil or Expeller Pressed Coconut Oil
  • Store bought under the fluorescent lights Salad dressing.  So many yummy recipes ranging from simple simple to elaborate. 


Here is a simple one: 

4 tablespoons – Olive Oil        

2 tablespoons – Lemon and/or Lime juice or balsamic vinegar or white wine vinegar or red wine vinegar

1/2 teaspoom – Maple syrup or sugar cane (not white sugar) or natural sugars 

1/4 teaspoom – Mustard – Dijon or otherwise

Zest of lemon or lime – about 1/4 of a teaspoon

Herbs are optional.  I love a bit of fresh basil or oregano or tarragon 

Mix, let sit for five or so minutes to allow the flavours to mingle and either into the Salad or let your guests add their own



GMO canola oil


Margarine is vegetable oil based. These fatty acids are insidious enough in their structure to be able to penetrate cell walls and wreak havoc. They interfere with cancer fighting enzymes designed to neutralize toxins and carcinogens. They interfere with transport channels for the easy flow of nutrients through the cell wall.  They slow the removal of toxins out of cells. They cause

water retention. They clog arteries. They interfere with hormone production. They interfere with neurotransmitters for good brain function. They cause general ill health. They cause digestive distress and interfere with digestive enzyme production.


  • Fat Frauds are found where man has tampered with food. The middle aisle of the grocery stores, prepackaged, processed foods contain large amounts of these fats. Processed Fried foods and deep fried foods are loaded with unhealthy fats.

Anything that has tampered with – avoid. Anything that nature has made, eat abundantly.


The following excerpt taken compliments of


Confused about Fats?

The following List is nutrient-rich, traditional fats have nourished healthy population groups for thousands of years:

Beef and lamb tallow
Chicken, goose and duck fat

Sesame oils
Cold pressed olive oil
Cold pressed flax oil
Marine oils


The following Fat Frauds can contribute to degenerative disease, heart disease, immune system dysfunction, sterility, learning disabilities, growth problems and osteoporosis:

  • All hydrogenated oils
    • Soy, corn and safflower oils
    • Cottonseed oil
    • Canola oil
    • All fats heated to very high temperatures in processing and frying
    • All fats that smoke or brown during the heating process



Everything you consume is destined for digestion and absorption. 

Nothing that goes in your mouth is neutral

.  The impact will either add to your good health or it will fuel ill health. Aspire to super health and vibrancy


Denaturing Fats and Oils changes everything, here’s a snap shot:

The natural and normal fatty acids are essentially shaped like an accordion or zig zag with little hydrogen atoms attached at various points.



See how the digestive process easily splits the fatty acids, the hydrogen atom and removes the attached fatty acids uses the fatty acid for a range of health giving purposes and life is good.  When fats and oils are altered by processing or heat or redesign (margarine) the attaching atoms are either removed altogether or changed in location. Any manipulation causes the fatty acids to become rigid and difficult to use and that causes a whole range of health results, none good and over time not good at all.


Number two:  Do not allow your fats and oils to burn.   Fats stay solid at room temperature, oil remains liquid.  Never allow them to brown or smoke. This is another way to denature and change the structure.


A Word on Saturated and Unsaturated Fats

Common misnomers of saturated fats in the diet are widespread and largely false. Our brain is comprised of long chain fats, saturated fats and cholesterol. Every cell in your body

contains cholesterol. Saturated fats proliferate in and around your cells, and they are essential to cellular integrity.


Beef, butter, animal fats are about 60 – 70% naturally saturated fats. Butter actually less, but the point is, historical and current research does not support the present day notion that saturated fats are causative in cardiovascular disease and degenerative disease. They support health; they provide some very essential fat-soluble vitamins and of course provide the transport system for these vitamins across the cell wall.


The truth is artificially saturated fats denatured by processing are very bad for you.


Heart disease was only about 6–8 % at the turn of the last Century, cancer rates, the same. Shop the outer aisles of the Grocery Store where the freshest and healthiest foods are found. Foods in the middle aisles of the Grocery stores do not sustain health, do not promote healthy reproduction and off spring, do not make for strong children free from allergies and ailments. Processed or packaged foods certainly do not make for healthy, vibrant people in general.


Eat your healthy fatty acids and enjoy good health


Exciting Websites on healthy fats and oils visit:


More Interesting Reading:

Knows Your Fats – Mary G. Enig Ph.D.

Super Nutrition for Men – Ann Louise Gittleman M.S.

Super Nutrition for Women – Ann Louise Gittleman M.S.

Age Proof Your Body – Elizabeth Somer M.A. R.D.

Earl Mindell’s -as Medicine Earl Mindell R.Ph., Ph.D.

Self Testing Nutrition Guide – Dr. Cass Ingram Judy K. Gray M.S.



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