IBS – Expressions of an Irritated Bowel





What’s in this Article?


An Important look at the process of digestion:



  • A walk down your Digestive system
  • A walk through your Digestive system
  • Expressions of an Irritated Bowel
  • The Truth about Healing
  • Understanding the Healing process


A walk down your Digestive system: It looks like this:


Stunning cliparts | Human Digestive System Clipart| (36)

  • Meet your Workers
  • Goblet cells; your Protector and Enzymes; your Workers
  • Simple Sugar molecules vs Starch molecules
  • Yeast overgrowth
  • Aerobic and Anaerobic foods
  • Gauging the injury
  • Juicing
  • Proteins
  • Vegetables
  • Nuts

• Other Important Factors



A walk through the Digestive Process:


Digestion starts in the mouth. Saliva is rich with the enzyme amylase and a weak lipase. Amylase starts the digestion of carbohydrates and lipase – fats or lipids.

The simple action of chewing breaks down the cell wall of nutrients. Within the cell wall of our food are the vital vitamins, minerals and enzymes our bodies require..

Chewing also takes pressure off your digestive system. By chewing your food to a liquid, your stomach is not trying to break down larger food molecules.

Food then travels down the esophagus to the stomach. The upper part of the stomach is called the enzyme or fundus stomach. The chewed food or bolus sits for another ½ – 1 hour for further digestion through enzymatic action before Hydrochloric Acid raises, changing the ph of stomach, to begin the digestion of protein..

The types of fats, protein, etc. you’ve eaten determines the length of time the food stays in the stomach before it empties to the duodenum or upper intestinal tract.

Most digestion and absorption takes place in the small intestinal tract. The health and efficiency of our small intestinal tract determines the rate of metabolism and absorption.


Expressions of an Irritated Bowel:

Irritable Bowel Syndrome is first and foremost a sign of a distressed digestive system. Why it has gotten this way has to be traced back to either a predisposed or existing condition; making incorrect food choices; not chewing your food sufficiently; ingesting foods that are incompatible to your body. Other factors might include age can, insufficient enzymatic action or low hydrochloric acid.

A compromised digestive system is inefficient.  Generally meaning inefficient absorption of nutrients, damage along the intestinal tract and all the usual unattractive symptoms that follow.


Some of the common complaints include:

• Gas and bloating
• A burning feeling
• A sense that food is not digesting or digesting very slowly
• Indigestion
• Heavy sensation after you have eaten
• The presence of lower intestinal mucus
• Diarrhea
• Constipation or both
• A compromised, injured intestinal tract leads to compromised digestion and compromised nutrition for your body


An injured digestive simply put, you are not being nourished from the foods you eat.

Funny thing about the digestive system, most people have no idea of the seriousness of compromised digestion. As a society we actually believe that laxatives and antacids are a normal function of life. Those two over the counter pharmaceuticals make up the bulk of over the counter remedies. When over the counter doesn’t cut it, then individuals head to their doctors for the behind the counter hardball stuff.

‘Billions are spent yearly; thousands are driven to the local pharmacy or physician’s office in order to seek out relief for the symptoms of Irritable Bowel and Digestive Distress.’

Did you read that last statement?

Read it again

“Billions are spent yearly; thousands are driven to the local pharmacy or physician’s office in order to seek out RELIEF for the SYMPTOMS of Irritable Bowel and Digestive distress”


The Truth about Healing:


The truth about healing True healing is this – improving nutrient absorption; which promotes health and longevity. This is not about Symptom Control. It is about healing. It is about finding and fixing the cause.

If you are here reading this, this I know for certain – Statistics show that people with above average intelligence seek out information for their own health. If you are also taking nutraceuticals, statistically you are confirmed above average intelligence.  I am so glad you care.  Let’s go searching for some answers.  Q and A’s are always welcome.

If you or someone you know suffers from irritable bowel, here is what you need to know,  when your digestive system is injured, injured to the point of the symptoms I described earlier, or if you have been actually diagnosed with Irritable Bowel, your little digestive tract is sufficiently injured each time you don’t chew your food properly, eat certain complex carbohydrates or simply eat certain foods, you continue the assault.  Figuring out where to start is the biggest hurdle for most.  Some start at the allergist office or the acupuncturist or at the doctor office.  Here is a fun fact:  Food ‘allergies’ and food ‘sensitivities’ are distinct and separate.  90% of food ‘sensitivities’ can be alleviated with the simply act of sufficiently chewing your food.  Chewing your food is not simply something you do between bites of delicious morsels.


Understanding the process of healing:  Explaining the injury:


The small intestinal tract is lined with a gateway of absorptive vehicles:  villi, microvilli and plicae circularis. These absorptive vehicles increase the area of absorption of the small intestinal tract, if laid out flat, to about 200 sq. meters. Thank goodness they are not laid out flat ….

Within the villi are tiny capillaries and lymphatic vessels whose role it is to transport nutrients designed to nourish your body.

Meet your Workers Meet your personal Construction Workers:

As well and if you have not met your little internal nutrient construction workers, please go to Enzymes; Meet your workers, because also along your intestinal tract are these little workers waiting to do their part in delivering healthy nutrients out to build your gorgeous strong body.  For example, the enzyme galactose, lactose and sucrase are positioned along the lining of the intestinal tract. They are called brush border enzymes.   Work that into a conversation… but not on the first date…. ha ha.  So back to your gorgeous strong body, when your little intestinal tract is injuried, what ever the cause, these little enzymes, workers, have a vastly difficult time reaching the nutrient molecules, breaking down the food.  And with that malabsorption.

Injured microvilli, regardless of the cause, build up of unhealthy matter along the intestinal tract interfering with the role of enzymes, whether it is a predisposition or a result of diet or lifestyle, the outcome is the same. The consequence of injured microvilli, the vessels responsible for nutrient absorption along the small intestinal tract, is compromised absorption.

Your Protectors to the rescue: Goblet cells:

The intestinal tract is also lined with goblet cells. Goblet cells are filled with little mucus droplets.  And once again, improper chewing, offensive food choices, those goblet cells go to work and here is how:  Mucus serves as protection against any and all injuries to the intestinal tract.  How often do you clear your throat through the day?  And when you do, go back to what your just ate and how you chewed your food.

Goblet cells act as your protector.  Eating anything the body recognizes as unhealthy or incompatible, for example, large clumps of food you swallowed barely able to wait for the next mouth full of deliciousness, is considered  incompatible with a healthy digestive system and more likely to mount a sensitivity reaction.  To that, your goblet cells expel mucus from their droplet shape armoury,  into the open area of the intestinal tract, otherwise call the lumen.  The goal you ask?  The purpose is to prevent the absorption of said offensive intake and onslaught, poison as the body see it, poison that can harm the body.  That burger might be delicious but improperly chewed or charred with those ‘grill marks’, acrylamide actually, is considered a non starter to your body so get ready for  a-hum, a-hum and more a-hum.

Quite frankly as human beings we all indulge in than stellar food choices.  Ideally you want a 85% – 15% balance between healthy choices and indulgences, not 65% – 35% and definitely not anything less.  Let’s take the example of white sugar, notoriously about the best example.  Let’s say you’re out to dinner, you’ve eaten a great meal, you’ve chewed, chewed, chewed every delicious bit and along comes desert.  And desert is chalked full of creams and sugars and white flour in a combination of visual art.  Well first off, you really should wait about 20 minutes between eating and desert and for many reasons, but the main one is to give the nutritious food you just ate, a chance to head off down the digestive tract before you start on the white sugar portion of the meal.  Sugars slow down digestion, sugar invokes the excitement of goblet cells and we’re back.  You will clear your throat and that is the signal of incompatible foods coming your way.  Having said that, occasional indulgences are meaningless, eat away.  Continued indulgences start to build the wall of mucus that impedes digestion, absorption injury, unhealthy flora, unattractive symptoms and we’re back to injury.


Calculation of healthy food – to indulgent food: 85% – 15%


It is worth restating, continual unhealthy food choices, insufficient chewing of your food, too much starchy food, to little easily digested foods, you will stimulate your little protectors; your Goblet cells and they will not stop until they protect you from yourself whether that backfires into simply unattractive symptoms you can easily deal with or more serious issues of compromised digestion and absorption, requiring a more systematic approach.

If you have been diagnosed with Irritable Bowel Syndrome, Crohn’s, Colitis, Celiac, injuries has already occurred and the Mucus is likely flowing like a river to do its job.  Here is its job: cover those little timy microvilli, your absorptive vessels along the intestinal tract and protect your body from the absorption of incompatible and unhealthy foods.  Goblets cells do their job very well as a lot of you will attest to.


Goblet cells: Your Protectors and Enzymes: your Workers:

Here is the other very unattractive visual: mucus interferes with your little construction workers, enzymes.  Mucus, built up over time, seriously limits the possibility of ‘enzyme to food’ contact.  And as all of you who know about enzymes, each construction worker is assigned to a specific nutrient molecule: Protease (enzyme) breaks down protein; Lipase (enzymes) breaks down fats; too many constructions workers to list but you get the idea.  Construction workers down, food molecules not properly split, mucus built up over the little microvilli anyway so molecules of what are suppose to be split and easily absorbed are now food fauder for flora you would rather not invite to the dinner table of your digestive system.  That is an unwanted visual for another page.  All in all; 85% – 15% choices; chew your food thoroughly; wait for a decent amount of time for your meal to get a head start down the digestive tract before you go full on to desert and in the best case scenario, you should avoid challenging your intestinal tract.  On the other hand, let’s keep going if injury is an every present companion.

So, you are now presented with the possibility your Goblet Cells have mounted a successful defense against the food you have eaten and as a result a mucus barrier has been constructed.  Here is another fun fact, that barrier has weight and density and likely your little microvilli are not just injured but possibly a little squashed, broken and injured.  Broken, injured microvilli are compromised vessels and way less efficient to do their job; absorbing nutrients. Here is visual that might help:  imagine a nice green plush football field, your intestinal tract laid out is about that size and the lively plush grass can be construed as your little microvilli and other absorptive vessels.  Ideally you are looking over a sea of uniform green grass.  Now enter the food players, fruits containing amylose (simple sugars) and amyleopectin (complex carbohydrates)  Fruits; simple sugars run down the field, no damage to the field, head in for a touch down.  Amylose, complex carbohydrates, get the ball, heads down the field, for those with IBS; or even more challenging conditions, the grass is getting badly torn up;  scuffing up the field and leaving large brown spots.  For those with the challenges of Ulcerative Colitis, they will understand the symptoms of foods that create serious damage to their football field.   Bleeding, mucus, inflammation, unbelievable pain.  Ranging from early injury to full on injury, read on and start the healing process.

You also need to be aware that undigested carbohydrates hang around in the intestinal tract along with the excessive mucus build up and the visual gets much less like a bad football game outcome to a crushing war zone.  Guess who is invited to the dinner table of the Goblet cell defense; mucus?  And don’t get upset at your little Goblet cells, they are defending you.  And guess who else is showing up for dinner:  Yeast and a whole new bunch of guests you would rather not meet.  Your little intestinal flora: Acidophilus; Bidifo: Bifidum and all their healthy relatives get pushed aside to the gas producing ucky rival team of yeast and their relatives.

Mucus, undigested carbohydrates; food particles are the best dressed dinner to Candida Albican, better known as yeast.  IBS in all of its expressions,  Candida or yeast overgrowth and irritable bowel. Recall what I said about the signs and symptoms of Irritable Bowel? Gas and Bloating, cravings?’  That is the little yeast cells saying – “Feed me I’m yours, thank you for supper!”  Brain fog, joint stiffness, more gas, more bloating, poor concentration, sugar cravings… Yes that’s your little bacterial inhabitants saying – “Feed me, I’m yours”


Simple Sugar molecules vs Starch molecules:

Every food has one or the other:

Starches are the most assaultive, is that a word, it is now.  Therefor it is important to understand what starches are. It is also important to understand how starches are intimately involved in causing the damages, we touched on that and more important how starches interrupt and inhibiting the healing process.

Starchy foods include: grains, cereals, legumes, potatoes, yams, peanuts (because they are legumes). Contained in their sugar molecule make is a complex webbing of sugar molecules.  So on that, there are two types of carbohydrates or sugars, simple and complex. Amylose is a simple sugar.  Think about a single line of little sugar molecules.  And the other hand, Amyleopectin is a more complicated structure of sugar molecules.  Amylose is linear and Amyleopectin is, I suppose the easiest analogy, is a web-like structure. Amyleopectin sugar molecules are woven in a complicated fashion and it is that complicated pattern that cause a complex problem to the digestive system.  Individuals dealing with challenges of IBS in all of its forms, are the ones who will suffer and suffer injury to their intestinal tract.



Taking charge of the seemingly endless cycle of digestive distress may seems daunting but really it does not have to be.  It takes time, yes.  But let’s look at who and what is really doing the work of healing, it is not you, it is your digestive system, so why are you whining when I say ‘it takes time.’  It is not like you are in their slogging away, you’re not.  You’re job is to gain knowledge and implement that knowledge so your body can go about what it was designed to do.  In this case, heal.

So from here, if you are getting total bored with the nuts and bolts of where everything is, who does what and why Goblet Cells embarrass you after a great desert or lots of processed food choices, leaving you ‘a-hemming’ unabated,  hang in a bit longer.  Here is where you learn the visual to inspire you to work along side your 5000 Construction Worker and digestive vessels to a more a vibrant, energetic and fun filled life.


Aerobic and Anaerobic foods:

Aerobic foods are foods that contain oxygen, as in fruits, vegetables, nuts; seeds for example. Aerobic foods feed the aerobic parts of our body, muscle, tissue, blood etc.

Anaerobic foods are foods such as processed foods, sugars, and all forms of denatured foods. Many harmful bacteria are called anaerobes because they do not require oxygen to survive; they feed on sugars mucus and anaerobic foods.

The foods you eat will determine what area of your body you’re feeding and what is going to flourish. This is the normal state of affairs for a normal healthy person. For IBD, diet becomes even more critical. We need a bloodstream rich with nutrients. We want a colon teaming with healthy intestinal flora. It needs to be 80% lactobacillus and all its relatives and 20% Candida etc.  Unfortunately with most Irritable Bowel Disease, the intestinal flora is quite reversed.

The reversal of healthy intestinal flora for an unhealthy team of intestinal flora, itself, causes a myriad of further issues.

Healthy intestinal flora are important in the production and absorption of many vitamins;  the production of the B family of Vitamins and Vitamin K.  Along with that, healthy flora called Supernatants, stand bravely at the portal of your intestinal tract preventing any and all who challenge them for positioning.  But with the onslaught of yucky food choices, sugars and the overstimulation of Goblet cells where mucus all but obliterates the football field,  opens up the opportunity of the bad asses to take their position.

Unhealthy flora creates so unpleasant outcomes: brain fog, sugar cravings, fatigues, joint pain, emotional upset, concentration problems, to name a few.

It really is more than just eating nutrient rich food when it comes to understanding and correcting conditions of IBS. It is about eliminating the food source for unhealthy flora, which encourages their elimination, diminishes your symptoms of their presence and the play ground they are enjoying and that facilitates the healing process.

How to gauge the damage.  It is generally the bathroom trips that measure the damage.


Gauging the Injury: 

A usual gauge in a 24-hour period is:
• 2-5 toilet trips is mild
• 5-10 toilet trips is moderate
• 10-20 toilet trips is severe

If diarrhea is a current problem a basic hypo-allergenic diet is likely a good starting place.

Make no mistake, the cleanliness and efficiency of your intestinal tract is highly correlated with your mood and sense of well being at a simple level and a deeper disabling level. Chapter 7 of  the Brain Connection in Breaking the Vicious Cycle spells it out.


Amylopectins are restricted:

Cereal grain, a great source of amylopectins, strictly prohibited – Corn, Oats, Wheat, Rye, Millet, Buckwheat, etc. in any form. Cookies, Crackers, Toast, Flour, Pasta, White Sugar, Brown sugar substitutes also forbidden.



Fresh live juicing will serve you well as it has my client who have suffered IBS.

Start with a juicer.  If it is a little cost prohibitive, try searching online for sales or on Kijiji for a good used one.  Fresh juice is rich with nutrients and live enzymes.  Compare that with over the counter, middle aisle grocery store anaemic pasteurized juices,  stripped of all nutrients, save the paudry add backs, void of enzymes, rich with sugar, deplete of nutrients.  Fresh juicing is about the easiest way to get easily absorbed, nutrient dense liquids to your body desperate for healing.

Proteins:  Proteins are foods such as whole proteins which are meats and eggs.  It is likely prudent to either eliminate red meats, pork, the heavy proteins, I’ll call them.  Especially in the early stages of healing, these foods can be really burdensome to digest.


Two rather strong factors to healing need to be considered and applied:

1  Food that is easily digested and transiting efficiently without putting a lot of stress on your intestinal tract.  Meats, especially red meat and pork can take up to 6 – 8 hours to digest.  If the source of the animal is not organic, then we have the every present issue of secondary antibiotic use as a further concern.  The actual length of the human intestinal tract is about 5′.  The length of a natural carnivore is only 1/3 the length.

2.  Second  is the issue of non organic farming practices and the possibility of second hand antibiotics, fed to animals. Antibiotics that can find their way into your intestinal tract and further assault the compromised intestinal flora.

On the other hand, fish, poultry preferable turkey or free range chickens. Eggs, homemade yogurt and dry cottage cheese curds are much better options for protein and more especially in the early stages of healing.

Cheeses should be fine in small amounts.  Pick white, milk is white, not yellow.  Yellow is a food colouring so pick white cheeses.  All of your favourites come in white as well as yellow, so pick white.  But be very cautious and stop if you start the ‘a-hem’ reaction.


Vegetables:  Fresh; Frozen or Juices, but not canned.  Frozen are a great choice.  Think about it, frozen vegetables have been picked at the peak of ripeness; washed; flash frozen which also means preserved nutrients and they come in such an amazing variety.  Here is what I do to prepare frozen vegetables so yummy:

i)  Shallow sauce pan

ii)  Trim the end of a garlic bud to just expose the cloves

iii)  Add 1 – 2 tablespoons of butter, add the garlic bud, clove side down in the shallow pan on really low heat, (1 or 2 at the most), cover and let simmer for about 5 minutes.  Watch the butter does not burn please

iv)  Chose your frozen vegetables:  So many to chose from.  My favourites are the Japanese mix;  broccoli cauliflower; so many.  Generally I will take 3 – 4 different bags, mix them and fill a large zip lock bag.  Supper comes, I take how every much I am going to use, top it up with additional broccoli, add to the shallow sauce pan.

v) So pick up the partially soften garlic bud, add the frozen vegetables, put the garlic bud back by mixing it in with the vegetables so it cooks within the vegetables, preventing it from possibly burning on the bottom of the sauce pan.

Really from there you only have to barely cook the vegetables because they have already been blanched at the factory.  I’d say cook over about low medium for another 5 mintues.  I mean every stove’s heat setting is different.  Check your vegetables after about 4 or 5 minutes.  These are awesome.  Serve up the vegetables, pour over little seasoned garlic butter, no additional water needed, the vegetables will cook in their own steam and really enjoy.

What to do with the roasted garlic:  You can do anything you wish.  What you will find is roasted garlic is not pungent as fresh garlic so you can moosh it up and add it at top your vegetables.  It is rick and sweet and nourishing.  So for your non IBS guests though, you can do this and watch as the praise floods your way:

Take a small like desert plate, flat though, pour about 2 or so tablespoons of either Balsamic vinegar, red wine vinegar, white wine vinegar onto the plate.  Then, on the other side pour the same amount of quality Olive oil.  Olive oil is higher density so it will not mix with the vinegar.  They will sit side by side.  Now on a separate plate place your roasted Garlic in the center, clove side up and with a small desert knife beside the garlic.  On the plate, add some delicious little flat breads or crackers.  How to eat this incredibly morsel of fine dining:  Instruct your guest to remove a clove from the garlic bud, actually you can slightly squeeze the bottom so the cloves are exposed but not necessary.  Instruct your guest to remove a clove smoosh it over their flat bread or cracker and with the lovely desert spoon you have adorned the garlic plate with, they take a dip into the Olive oil and vinegar and pour a small amount over the garlic clove and flat bread and enjoy.  It is sweet and delicious.  And when you are further down the healing path, you can take a gluten free flat bread or cracker and experience for yourself, all the excitement.  So so yummy.  I have been know to roast additional garlic buds that no one has beat me to yet.


On potatoes; sweet potatoes; yam; parsnip and because of their amylopectin sugar structure, avoid.


Nuts:  Nuts are not so easy to digest.  You can purchase raw nuts and prepare them yourself by soaking overnight, drain, dry and roast in a 250 degree oven for between 2 – 4 hours.  Retail store bought are heavily salted, difficult to digest and likely not agreeable in the early stages of healing.

I have made my fair share of roasted nuts, it is worth it.  After roasting freeze but be very sure to thoroughly chew.

Peanuts are not actually nuts, they legumes, heavily webbed sugar molecules and therefore prohibited.

Seeds on the other hand and as long as you thoroughly chew, they should be fine.  Stick to simple non salted, I mean add salt but just add a small amount.



Fresh juices are your friend.  Don’t stick to just fresh fruit juices, that will likely backfire with the amount of natural but abundant fruit sugars.  I mean add a fruit like an apple or pear to your vegetable juice to make it sweet and delicious and satisfying.

Drink you morning Jo’, just drink it a little weaker than usual in the early stages.  It will help.  Teas and if you are a fan, herbal teas are a good choice.  Again, if you are drinking caffeinated teas, a little weaker at first.

Most Spices are permitted BUT for sure, ferret the ingredients.

Look for the short form or initials of VPI, which means Vegetable Protein Isolate.  This my friend is gluten.  Rather go to your local favourite Bulk Food store and purchase your spices individually.  Do like I do, I dig into the bottom of the spice drawer where the freshest spices are, because of course the Store attendant fills the top of the Spice container which allows for proper rotation of the product, which means the freshest is under the top layer.  Just don’t make a mess like I do and try to be inconspicuous, something I am not so good at so can not offer any other tips other than where to find the freshest Spice selection.

So no Alcohol:   What if you want a glass of wine.  How about choosing a dry White wine and adding ice to dilute it?  Wines are chalk full of sugar, as is all alcohol and not so good in the presence of an injured digestive tract or in the presence of Candida outbreak.


REMEMBER:  You should achieve symptom control as quickly as a few days.  Your symptoms should subside.  BUT symptom control IS NOT healing.  Achieving symptom control means one thing, you have begun to remove the assault so your little intestinal tract can begin to heal.  That is CAN BEGIN to heal.


It generally takes about 3 months to approach what I will call, cellular healing and by that I mean, the removal of mucus which then allows the little microvilli to start to heal and following your little construction worker; Enzymes have a fighting chance at unencumbered contact with the food you have so meliciously chewed in order for them to split and deliver for absorption.

Be diligent, you will stray, it is only human.  You will suffer the symptoms again when you relapse which is generally enough to teach you the lesson that yes, the program is legit, it is working and you should get back on the wagon.

Relapses are real and they hurt and the symptoms will resurfaces but having said that, it does not mean you are not healing.  It does mean you just interupted the process yes.  But you are healing so get up, brush yourself off and get back to it.  If your relapse was a full on party time of several days or episodes, I’d be inclined to encourage you to get back to as close to the Hypoallergenic diet you started with for a week or three.  Otherwise the odd slip can be easily corrected with reversal and removal of  what must have tasted good at the time, only to be regreted later.


Healing is a process, not an event


Other Important Factors:

• Chew your food to a liquid.

• Leave your stomach 10-15% empty for digestive juices to facilitate efficient metabolism. Stomachs, like washing machines don’t do well on a full load.

• Your goal is easily absorbed, nutrient dense food, which means nutrient rich blood.

• Feed your aerobic healthy tissue.

• Missing meals is not acceptable especially breakfast.

• Use supplements.  Early on stick to Digestive Enzymes and Pancreatic Enzymes.  Life Extension Foundation, Source Naturals, Organika (Canadian) are all good reliable Companies.

Probiotics are always welcome and will enhance the healthy flora through your intestinal tract.  I use ONE source of probiotics: Natren at www.natren.com.  So what to purchase:  I would start with a strain called Superdophilus.  Personally I purchase the Superdophilus; Bifidum and Bidido.  Each are specific to the upper and lower GI.  But start slowly as they are very powerful and can flush out bad bacteria so might, in their efforts to remove the offence, cause a bit of upset.  Start with 1 (one) Superdophilus at night before bed.  Why, so it travels uninterupted and unencumbered by the presence of HCI.  Probiotics don’t do well in an acidic environment and HCI is very important to the digestion of proteins.  So take your probiotic at night before bed.  After about 2 – 3 weeks I would add the additional 2 (two) strains and at the same time, before bed.


Enzymes and Probiotics should really be all you require.  If you are doing your own live juicing, you are adding a gushing Spring of vital nutrients and on that, leave additional supplements to later.


Super Greens, Organic, is a supplement you are going to want to take but you want to start thinking about it around the one to two month stage.  Super Greens are quite powerful, definitely power packed.  You always start small.  So after a month of things settling down you can start to take 1 – 2 Super Green capsules per day.  Add 1 – 2 after one week intervals up to about 8 – 12 daily.  Alternatively if you can muster the courage to drink the powder, it would about 1/2 – 1 teaspoon to start and work up from there on the same schedule.

Acetyl L-cysteine or L-Glutamine, is an excellent supplement for anyone suffering IBD.  Use only high quality so I could recommend Life Extension Foundation for this supplement.  Do the research.

• Add lots of cabbage and cabbage juice. It is the riches source of Vitamin U that is an anti-ulcer vitamin. Cabbage also contains L-Glutamine, which is a good natural anti-inflammatory nutrient.

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