Healthy Relationships: Communication with a Cause
Insightful, filled with knowledge to open your world to Wisdom and Understanding
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This Learning Curve is definitely worth it 💖
- Understanding and Patience really is – Building Safety and Trust
- What brings us together and creates the treasure of a loving relationship has not changed through the millennium.
- Similar to nourishing your body with the necessary attention to healthy nutrition it goes the same for your heart and your partner’s heart
- Have Fun
Avoid and/or resolve conflict quickly and effectively, promoting trust and calm
Appreciation for the efforts of the people who love you is your responsibility, not your option
Being tolerant, kind and positive is your responsibility, not your option
Give up petty complaining; it is a privilege to share your life with someone who loves you
Stop taking the people who love you for granted is your responsibility, not your option
“My success and your success in this life are making our first priority cherishing each other, playing and having fun together and finding the courage to choose healthy, effective ways to resolve our differences.”
Corrections NOT Judgement
Extended Needs
Ebb and Flow of Needs
Pitfalls to Avoid
Easy Way or the Hard Way
Steps to Active Listening
Step 1: Expression Phase
Step 2: Response Phase
What an Apology is Not
Step 3: Correction Phase
Communication with Knowledge
More Pitfalls to Watch For
Step 4: Guess Work or Not
Step 5: Timing
Reroute Stumbles
Important Keys to Success
Active Listening Exercises
Priorities in Relationships
Common Errors and Corrections
Comprehensive List of Possible Emotions felt by all
Taking away guess – Replacing with accuracy
Communication with a Cause: Healthy Relationships